Super squat program pdf

Riptoes starting strength is a much better book for beginners. The 20rep breathing squat, sometimes called a death set, is pretty much the one that started it all. This is why natural bodybuilders are advised to consume about a gallon of milk a day to grow. Strossens super squats program with which, it is common to gain 30 pounds of bulk in as little as 6 weeks. How to gain 30 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks randall j.

Rated 5 out of 5 by willie mayes from the basics work. The actual super squats program can be found anywhere online. Super squats by randall strossen get big and strong. This old school squat program prioritizes simplicity and effort to build a big squat and. Why 20rep squats are the best and worst thing ever. Apr 18, 2020 squat programs generally focus on increasing the one rep max for an athletes squat. About the only drawback to following this routine is that you will outgrow your clothes. Im releasing it again to remind myself of the goals that i must beat this year.

I did a classic 20rep squat program for 6 weeks towards the end of 2010 with some great results. I just finished a squat routine like this and within 2 months i worked up from doing 20 rep squats with 225 lbs. Get stronger at squats with this 12 week super squat workout. You do this by taking purposeful pauses and breaths between each rep. How often you do the squats during the sixweek program is. With credit given to randall strossen outlining john mccallums 20rep squat routine in his book super squats, let me tell you about a simple but very difficult program for increasing lower body strength and facilitating weight gain. If you arent familiar with the program, it goes like this.

So whether you want to dial in your squat or you are getting ready for a squat only meet the super squats program is perfect for you. The rest of the book is an ok read, telling you about the benefits of the program etc, but in my opinion its ridiculously overpriced. I was looking for a program which would challenge me while targeting the weakness in my quads. Its the backbone of ironminds super squats, a book that had an immense impact on my training philosophy and squatting ability. The super squat workout helps you achieve all that then in the shortest possible time. Consequently, the majority of the training programs written for beginners are built around the back squat. Its the backbone of ironminds super squats, a book that had an immense impact on. They are also used to power sprints, jumps and leaps.

Strossen, and its widely regarded as being pretty fucking awesome. Strossen in his book super squats is based on one set of breathing squats for 20 repetitions and looks like that. This is the key to making serious gains with the program. Make sure youre doing all the right things you need to be doing to build lean muscle. Other routines may increase the squat work capacity of the athlete. The only modification i made to the program was 2 workouts instead of 3. Sep 18, 2015 reps a day for 4 weeks challenge 2016 100 push ups, pull ups, dips, squats, burpees a day duration. The nucleus of this venerable program is one set of squats twenty reps in the set, to be sure, but just one set. The keys to this program are to make your workouts short but intense, and always complete your 20 squats. However, the program could be explained in a 5 page article. Its not only a great reflection of your strength and power, but also serves as a measuring stick to see how far youve progressed in those areas. May 05, 2016 the squat every day learn 2 lift clinic is coming to orlando, kentucky, and canada. The super squats program is simple and basic, and what makes it so effective is that it is built entirely on individual effort. It is easy to read in fact i finished this book in one sitting and the concepts and programming presented are easy to understand and follow regardless of your training age.

Strossels famous book, but with our significant lab ratproven modifications. The book is slim and could easily be reduced to a pamphlet, if all you were interested in was the 20 rep squat program. For the past seven weeks, i have been able to successfully train olympic weightlifting at the same time as powerlifting. Get stronger at squats with this 12 week super squat workout work your way to a bigger, more impressive squat with this 12week program thats designed to improve your squat and get you moving serious weight. The 20 rep squat program is one of the oldest lifting programs there is. Super squats how to gain 30 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks. By doberman dan author of the hyper growth muscle mass training program.

Here it is in a nutshell the kind of nutshell youll be able to crack with your glutes if you do the program, or so the legend goes. Super squats how to gain 30lbs of muscle in 6 weeks. Since its still a powerlifting program there will also be other exercises to do i didnt do them as i was way too trashed though i. The core of this training routine is one 20 rep set of squats, just one set, supersetted with pullovers. Scroll below to see full instructions along with our printable pdf for the 30 day squats and crunches workout. Strossen, ive seen it mentioned in a few articles on this site and im sure it must have been mentioned in threads before.

I am not an advanced lifter competing on the world stage, but i felt that i was better. Russian squat program this is a nononsense program found in the 1976 ussr weightlifting. Oldschoolers following strossens super squats program would often follow this oneset workout challenge with a set of highrep pullovers. Weeksetsreps set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set 5 set 6 set 7 set 8. Super squat strength plan mountain tactical institute. Below is an article that i wrote last year when i was killing it. Pick a weight you can just squat 10 times and squat it 20 times, you. Squat programs generally focus on increasing the one rep max for an athletes squat. One of the oldest and most famous of all old school bulking routines by far is the super squats program, which centers around high rep squats. In the fear and doubt video emevas mentioned randall strossens 1989 book super squats. Record breaking raw squat guide by chad wesley smith 949. Here is what i noticed from the basic squat every day. This may be the current trend, but the idea that squats.

Why 20rep squats are the best and worst thing ever barbend. Perform the 5 exercises in star complex a as a circuit, resting 30 to 90 seconds between each exercise. The crux of super squats is also available in many internet articles. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could make an excel spreadsheet out of this workout. It was based on an old school routine which promised up to 30lbs of muscle gains, sending strength.

Nov 12, 2010 the full title of this tiny book is super squats. This 5 week, 5 dayweek strengthfocused training program deploys mtis super squat strength progression methodology. If you are someone who has struggled to add weight to your barbell back squat, this squat program for strength will allow you to add no less than 10 pounds to your squat max. Three days of back squat and one day of front squat. The specific approach to the 20rep squats is nearly as simple as the overall program. Jim wendler 531 workout spreadsheet diy strength training.

Developed by former university of arizona football player jim wendler, 531 is a fourweek program in which you perform one session of squat front and back and assistance work per week, in addition to three other sessions throughout the week that are dedicated to three other core lifts. Plflsp bbdb p3 day 3 date advanced can use bands on speed days a1 ssb squat week rm 93% go for pr week 2 sumo dead w chains 5x3 60%, 3x2 70% week 3 ssb reverse band dead max triple 100% wk 4 sumo dead with chains 6x2 65%, 2x1 75%. I bought super squats in the late 80s i was 145lbs and wanted to gain weight bought tons of weight gain and was putting on weight. Once i saw the benefits, i totally adapted the program to my other methods that work.

It was introduced by john mccallum in 1968 and was originally coined squats and milk because old school lifters would drink a gallon of milk a day gomad while on it. May 20, 2012 in the fear and doubt video emevas mentioned randall strossens 1989 book super squats. The 20 rep squat routine the most effective way to build muscle. Super squats how to gain 30lbs of muscle in 6 weeks is rated 5. With credit given to randall strossen outlining john mccallums 20rep squat routine in his book super squats, let me tell you about a simple but very difficult.

Also referred to as the squats and milk program, strossen takes the reader through a history of the mighty squat and how the principle of progressive resistance dates back centuries. The programming listed above is geared towards mass, but their actual mass gain. I was wondrin if anyone has tried the super squat program, 30lbs muscle 6 weeks no steroids. I ate like a horse for 6 weeks and ended up at 255 x 20. I started the program went from 210lbs to 240lbs in 30 days amazing but true. The hard gainer squat program mash elite performance. Additional exercises are incidental, two or three sets of several other basic exercises at most, and the general caution is to err on the side of doing too few additional exercises rather than too many. Riding decades of success, the super squats program has turned human toothpicks into stalwarts, and stalwarts into legends.

In 1968, working as a construction laborer during the hot summer months of summer vacation, the author began experimenting with weightlifting routines for gaining size and strength. After a few minutes under a squat bar, you will find out what youre made of. So i immediately followed its advice and started doing the exact routine as outlined in its pages. The nucleus of this venerable program is one set of squats twenty reps in. Gerard butler was kicked off their training program, because he was caught using steroids.

Start with your 10 rep max and then squat that 20 times. Hunt also modified the routine, as the original smolov program only focuses on the squat. Many believed this combo lead to overall muscle growth and ribcage expansion. Hard gainer shock routine for fast gains this report is based on the book super squats, how to gain 30 pounds of muscle in 6weeks, by randall j. Dec 14, 2015 hi for anyone who hasnt heard of the super squats program its basically an old school strength program written up by randall j. Do you know the video on super squats by alan thrall. Squat programs are often combined with routines that train other. You can stop, you should take at least 3 good deep breaths between reps, catch your breath as your sweat runs onto the bar, but the bar is still on your shoulders and will not leave till youve done all 20 squats. Some of these program spreadsheets are better suited for meet prep or peaking, while others are better for offseason training.

The core of this training routine is one 20 rep set of squats, just one set,supersetted with pullovers. I love automating things lazy to make my life easier lazy and more efficient lazy, so i created a 531 workout spreadsheet that will auto calculate all your numbers after the first week. First, load the bar to what you normally use for ten reps. Im lifting for about 2 years now and idk but as the program says im using weight what i can do 10 reps with 95kg, 199lbs and i dont think i can do a single rep more if i do the first ones with little rest. Not wanting to lose any upperbody mass or shapealthough smolovs program doesnt cause thishunt added a moderate amount of targeted moves to the mix.

Hi for anyone who hasnt heard of the super squats program its basically an old school strength program written up by randall j. Instead, this is a program meant for the common lifter, the people who are obsessed with using the iron to get stronger and be more powerful. Maybe, maybe not, but it sure feels good to lie down and breathe after a set of 20rep squats. I always lifted heavy but gaining weight was a problem. The fast mass program is perfect for anyone whose looking for maximum results in minimal time. Super squat routine posted in the fitness community. My very first squat workout was a very shaky 20 reps with 95. The idea is that squats done for high repetitions are so painful and tough that they can actually result in death and leave someone a widow. This squat program for strength will add 30 pounds to your. Strossen presented a training principal originally elaborated by joseph curtis hise. He has broken 3 world records in 3 different weight classes. The idea is to warm up to a weight you could squat for a tough set of 812 reps, then squat it for 20 reps instead.

If you get hung up on maintaining super low body fat then this will impede. If you truly want to put on as much strength and size as the title suggests, you will have to pay your dues with hard work, heavy training and solid eating. The 20 rep squat program is a mentally and physically challenging way to pack on muscle and mass and strength. Enter that mythical beast, the gutwrenching set of 20rep squats. Feb 01, 1989 i really enjoyed my time with super squats. Im a hardgainer and require the extra rest for muscle growth. Load up the bar with a weight you can squat 10 times.

Before the advent of modern bodybuilding, with its isolation machines, designer supplements and toxic chemicals, there was a secret weapon which bodybuilders used to grow freakish amounts of muscle in a short space of time. There is also plenty of forewarning that the super squats program is not for the weakminded. This program allows you to commit just 2 hrs to the gym on a 4 day split with 30 min workouts. The most famous of all old school minimalist bulking routines by far is randall j. Donwload a printable pdf of the 20 rep squat routine. His enthusiasm and passion prompted me to try his squat every day program, and the rest is history. It is common to gain 2030 pounds of bulk in as little as 68 weeks with this full body routine. Buy this book here the most famous of all old school minimalist bulking routines by far is randall j. They are key to the way we walk and play an integral part in sitting correctly and holding the correct posture. Super squats is no more than the way how the old school get to gain massive size and power is a easy step by step program to follow just follow this program and dont have to spend top dollar in supplements.